
Argentum IT LLC Blog

Argentum IT LLC has been serving the Louisville area since 2010, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Make Smarter Technology Investments in Six Steps

Make Smarter Technology Investments in Six Steps

Technology spending is an issue that every business has to confront. There are a lot of options out there and a lot of promises made of which many won’t ever come to fruition, so it’s important to know exactly what it is that your business needs before committing to any technology investment. This month, we discuss six variables to consider when deciding on your next technology move. 

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Taking a Look at Budget Smartphone Offerings from Samsung, Apple, and Google

Taking a Look at Budget Smartphone Offerings from Samsung, Apple, and Google

With smartphones becoming more expensive every year, the top offerings from major manufacturers price some out of the market. This provides an opportunity for these companies to offer budget smartphones to a growing market of people who don’t want to drop a $1,000 on a new phone. Today, we discuss options from Samsung, Google, and Apple that can be had for a fraction of the cost of today’s flagship smartphones. 

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Would You Buy a Smartphone that Folds?

Would You Buy a Smartphone that Folds?

In last week’s blog we took a brief look at the best phones money can buy. This week we take a look at some devices that cost more than the flagship devices and don’t necessarily have the specs that back up the price. These devices, however, have something else: an innovative new twist or two. Let’s take a look at some of the most innovative new devices that you can find on the market right now.

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Tip of the Week: What To Do With a Wet Smartphone

Tip of the Week: What To Do With a Wet Smartphone

Even though no one will admit to it themselves, everyone knows that person that, for some reason or another, has dropped his/her smartphone in the toilet, or into the sink, or into a puddle. Needless to say that dropping electronics into any bit of water isn’t typically recommended, but today we will talk about what to do if this happens to you.

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What is Cloud Waste and How Can You Prevent It?

What is Cloud Waste and How Can You Prevent It?

Cloud computing offers businesses an economical way to obtain the software and services they need. Yet, there comes a point when having too much of a good thing becomes wasteful, no matter how affordable the service may be. If a business owner isn’t careful about how they utilize the cloud, then they can unknowingly find themselves experiencing “cloud waste.”

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4 Money-Saving Measures Any Business Owner Can Implement

4 Money-Saving Measures Any Business Owner Can Implement

Unless you’re at the helm of a Fortune 500 company, it’s likely that you’re always on the lookout for new ways to save money by tweaking your company’s operations. When you’re in money-saving mode, you understand that even a small change can rack up a lot in savings. To help you in your quest to save money, consider implementing these four practices.

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Why it’s Worth it to Ditch the Desktops

Why it’s Worth it to Ditch the Desktops

Is there any good reason to use desktops in your office? While many businesses still utilize workstations, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the advantages afforded by mobile technology should make desktops obsolete, especially in light of a recent study.

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How Outsourced IT Frees Up Time and Gives You Peace of Mind

How Outsourced IT Frees Up Time and Gives You Peace of Mind

Running a business is hard. As a business owner, you know this better than anyone else. You have to juggle your assets, manage your workforce, and schedule out tasks to those who are most qualified. Yet, there will likely come a time when a task comes along that nobody within your business is qualified to perform. For many organizations, this task is IT management.

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Here Are 3 Reasons VoIP Makes Perfect Sense

Here Are 3 Reasons VoIP Makes Perfect Sense

Businesses have always relied on telephone communication systems to stay in touch with external and internal contacts. However, the traditional method of telecommunication has fallen behind the times, giving way to more flexible solutions that are designed to save businesses money and improve efficiency. In particular, Voice over Internet Protocol can be a valuable asset for small businesses that are experiencing growth.

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5 Ways to Put Your Staff Ahead of Frivolous Office Expenses

b2ap3_thumbnail_cut_your_costs_400.jpgEvery business wants to be like Google and provide employees with a dynamic place to work, filled with amenities. It would probably be a dream come true for your organization to sit next to Google on Glassdoor’s annual list of “50 Best Places to Work.” Reality check: you’re not Google, as you’re reminded of this every time you attempt to balance your company’s budget.

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3 Ways You Can Save Money By Turning IT into a Service

b2ap3_thumbnail_optimization_it_400.jpgYour business thrives when your technology is running smoothly, but when it fails to function as intended, it can have unforeseen consequences that reach deep into your IT budget. One of the best ways that your organization can optimize your IT is by taking advantage of outsourced services, but you don’t want to approach these “as a service” offerings uninformed.

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Your IT Needs to Be Involved with Your Cloud Solution

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_it_host_400.jpgOne of the greatest advances in technology solutions to have emerged in the past few years is cloud computing. In fact, it’s one of the most popular Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms out there for the modern business. Are you prepared to commit to a cloud solution that can potentially improve productivity on all levels of your business infrastructure?

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Back in the 1980’s, despite owning one of the first home computers, the Tandy TRS-80, society found technology more of a hindrance than a help. But Dean loved technology and from an early age understood it could help.

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Louisville, Kentucky 40220-4072

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